Sunday, October 30, 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Sunday mornings here have always been tricky. My husband, the minister, has quietly left the house early each Sunday morning that he has had to preach, before most of the children, if not all, are out of bed. At that point in time I get up everyone -- whether they were ages 1, 2, 9 and 12 13 years ago, or ages 12-23 as they are now, and get everyone, dressed appropriately (trickier as the years go by) to church. Often there has been yelling involved, always lots of stress, and not really very fun for me. There are exceptions to this, but not often.

SO a few years ago we are driving along in the van and this song comes to mind and I begin to sing it. And Sadie pipes up, "WHAT is so EASY about Sunday morning?"

Well today it is even more complex than usual but you have probably been bored by this same song different verse theme for years on the blog so I'll skip it.

Bart is HOME! I took Tony and Jimmy with me last night to pick him up at the airport and treated them to Italian at the Mall of America, something unheard of for me. There was extra time for them to walk around and it seems they had a good time.

Will be nice to get back into a routine of some sort ... until Wednesday when I leave again.


But meanwhile.... "because I"m easy..... easy like Sunday morning...." come on, sing it with me!

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