Friday, October 21, 2011

Home Again Home Again

Dinner with Kyle and Christy was fun. Being with him as a 24 year old shows me that a lot of what I was trying to "fix" about him when he first moved in with us is simply his personality. Obviously at 11 it needed some maturity and refining, but it was really just him. But we were parents trained in how kids "SHOULD" be and that behavior modification was the way to get them to be who they should be. Kyle did well with Love and Logic parenting and I'm incredibly proud of the person he is becoming...

I then picked up Bart and we got home at 10 and had a bit of a communication breakdown over who was turning on the heat that goes to our bedroom. And since neither of us did AND both of us assumed the other had did it, we concluded that the heater was broken and had a very cold night.

Poor Bart has come home to a long list of things he has to do including a funeral before leaving on Monday for a week. I'm also swamped and we are having a guest over for dinner tonight who has never been here, so we have to get the house cleaned as well.

I have a full inbox and a lot of things to do myself so we're attempting to the avoid the "Why do I always have to do EVERYTHING?" argument. Anybody else ever have those with a spouse?


  1. Claudia, I got the book! I read already, but I'm going to re-read (I'm going to write a little book report and turn it in to get some of my fosterparent training hours for this year) and will probably re-read it many times more when the kids come as a reminder to myself

  2. Yay Cody Lee! I'm glad you liked it. If you want to post a review on Amazon that would be great!


  3. "Why do I always have to do EVERYTHING?"

    My kids shriek that to me when I ask them to do simple tasks once a day like feed the dogs. Oh the DRAMA. I haven't laughed at any of them ... yet ...
