Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm in Athens

I'm in Athens and Bart is in Nashville and a couple of my kids think they can do whatever they want while I"m out of town and they are really frustrating me. So for those of you who think all this travel sounds freeing and glamorous -- the truth is it's tiring and the kids' drama follows you.

I guess I should have known better.... but they did so well in August even not being in school. I suppose that if I leave 8 kids in town, 7 of htem at home, and 5 of them are doing very well I should be pleased with that and not focus on the two who think that they don't have to do anything that I say.

Salinda and Gabby went back up to Henry's for a visit. I guess I can't expect her to stay home when I'm not there but she seemed like she was really happy being home. Who knows.

Courtney is asking Bart and I to supervise visits between John and Isaac for her. John isn't allowed to come to the house so we will have to figure something out. But he has really burned a lot of bridges with both us and her....

Tomorrow afternoon I present to social workers, and tomorrow night to parents and then I'm off to my see my friends in Central.

Still have to finish my presentation at some point and I'm getting ready to take care of installing new software on my phone and computer so that I, too, can have a "cloud." Do you have a cloud yet?


  1. The only "cloud" I have is the one that is generally hanging over my :)...what is a cloud?

  2. So sorry I missed you last night. I would have loved to hear you speak. Maybe another time. Vicki

  3. A cloud is the new Apple place that stores everything so it can sync to all devices. I'm getting the hang of it.. I think.
