Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's all a blur....

Salinda woke me at 5 saying Gabby needed to go into the doctor. I asked if it could wait until urgent care opened and she said no, so I got up and showered. By then she had fallen asleep, so Salinda decided we could wait. Good thing we did because it turns out she isn't currently insured which I had somehow not been told. So I ended up not really sleeping much after 5, going to the doctor at 8:30, and now trying to get ready to teach tomorrow as well as get my work done.

When Bart is here it seems like I do a ton of stuff. When he is not here I realize what a ton of stuff HE does. Yikes it's hard being both of us. I don't think it is so hard for him when I am gone because he is always responsible for meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking.... but when I add that plus all the rides he usually gives to my schedule I feel like I"m living in a blur....

But it's not a bad blur. Last night Gabby gave me a very long hug -- a first -- and suddenly it all seemed to make better sense....

Onward and upward....

1 comment:

  1. God bless the little ones. I hope Gabby is feeling better today
