Friday, October 14, 2011

Nashville, Tennessee

I'm here with my husband for two days in Nashville, but as is consistent with my personality, I just keep thinking of all the things I need to get done. I'm HORRIBLE at vacationing. I sort of have a twinge of Obsessive Personality Disorder and my current obsession is marketing this new book. I'm sure, as a reader of my blog or as a facebook friend, you haven't picked up on that. :-> (Did you know that is the emoticon for a sarcastic smile?)

I have installed Pay Pal on my Iphone and so when someone places an online order I get a text and that just makes me smile. It's so fun to be interrupted with good news like that.

One of the reasons I'm committed to marketing is that I really think this book is going can be life changing for a lot of parents. All of the really funny stuff in it keeps people reading, but the twelve tips are ones I've used in speeches for years and they really resonate with adoptive parents who have been trying long and hard for a long time.

There is a lot of stuff out there written for the new adoptive parent that is serious and provides all kinds of research, etc. And then there is the methodology stuff out there -- the how to get your kids to improve stuff. But this is a book from a completely different angle. This book is for the parent who has btdt for several years and NOTHING is working. It's for those who have become bitter and angry and resentful and sad and just need a different idea of how to take care of situations so they can take care of there kids. So it's not just about the paypal texts and a few extra bucks coming our way -- it's that I'm convinced that it can change the lives of parents whose children are not going to change much....

I also need to write up a "Parenting Teens with Humor" powerpoint for Monday night.....

I'd love some feedback if you have a sec.

First, what is something that I must do or see or eat in Nashville before we leave?

And, anything YOU would put into a presentation about Parenting Teens with Humor?

1 comment:

  1. If you have any interest in country music, you should go to the Grand Ole Opry. I have been many times and really enjoy it. Also, if you have never been to a Melting Pot restaurant, you should eat there. Anywhere in downtown is great! I live just an hour south of Nashville. I am a huge fan of your blog.
