Tuesday, October 11, 2011


2 hour late start today. I slept 10 hours and still am doing the coughing, sneezing, runny nose exhaustion thing. fun.

Salinda is still here. Gabby still isn't. Salinda and I had a great talk yesterday over lunch and I feel I know a little bit about where she is coming from. She is maturing.

John has apparently found a place to stay for a while which is a relief.

Bart had further tests done this morning. We still don't know anything.

The books should be arriving today. You might want to use that PREORDER coupon at our online store and you'll save $4.00 for the next couple days.

Jimmy starts work on Monday! Yay for him. He was told back in April that the University wanted him to work there full time after he graduated in one of their residence hall kitchens. But a big remodeling project this summer got put on hold by the state shut down and so they are just now getting around to it. He has done a SUPER job of helping out around here which we will miss, but he has a great schedule -- 7:30 - 3:30, M-F, no weekends. He is working with a program for adults with special needs and he will be one of the best workers ever! I'm really proud of him for being patient and waiting this long. He was in the school work program for two years. He is very excited to be earning money.

We leave tomorrow night after confirmation for the Cities -- I fly out at 6:00 Thursday morning -- Bart a bit later ... we have a couple days in Nashville just relaxing before I head to Athens, GA to speak and Central, SC to visit friends while Bart attends a conference.

Now if I can just get healthy enough to enjoy it all!!!

Thanks for your concern and prayers expressed in emails and comments! They are appreciated.

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