Monday, October 10, 2011

We Survived...

the weekend is officially over and we survived, although there were several challenging moments. I now seem to have come down with a head cold -- did I whine about that yet?

Leaving in a couple days for Nashville, Athens, GA, and Central, SC where I will get to see Cindy and the lovely Sarah and Yolie as well as many many others who do not have blogs.... people that I have known and loved for years and years -- some of them as many as 30 years. Wow.

But between now and then there is a ton of stuff that needs to be done as always and several issues that need to be sorted out.

I'm sure that he probably isn't wanting this on my blog, but he announced it in church yesterday and he never reads my blog so I'm going to tell you. Bart had some blood test results on Friday that are requiring more tests. The doctor haphazardly mentioned that the last guy with numbers like that had a brain tumor -- a very treatable one, but non-the-less a brain tumor. Not exactly what Bart wanted to hear. So he goes back in for those tests tomorrow. As you can imagine there is a temptation to have great anxiety...

I stop my mind before it goes completely down that road or I know that I will lose it and fall in to a heap of messy slobbering snotty tears, and I just don't do that. Crying bores me.

There are times when I ask myself, "How can we possibly deal with one more thing" and then one more thing comes along.

I thought I had shared this YouTube with you guys, but I'm looking back and not seeing it. If so, it's worth a repeat. Hope it encourages some of you -- the song is "Strong Enough" by Matthew West.


  1. Hoping Bart is just fine. I am in awe of your strenth.

  2. I can't believe the doctor said that. He or she needs to have THEIR head examined. Such unnecessary anxiety! Our prayers are with you.

  3. Praying for Bart, and you as well. We serve an awesome God. He is able, as you well know. Nancy
