Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Energy anyone?

If you have some, can you email it to me please?

Yikes, I'm tired of complaining and whining. But I'm even more tired of having something to complain and whine about. I am at a different restaurant this morning having breakfast and attempting to use the "change of scenery" to motivate me forward.


I am speaking in Minnesota a bunch of times in the next few weeks. This Saturday in St. Cloud, here in Mankato on Dec 2nd, in St. Paul at Task Force on Dec 8th, and then doing pre-adopt training on the 9th and 10th.... So those of you who are Minnesotan's -- would be fun to connect.

I am reordering a 2nd edition of "Okay, Which One of You Took My Sanity" today -- the first edition had some errors and some sections that were proving to be a bit controversial, so they have been removed.

Anybody read it that wants to leave some feedback? Anybody want to order it? You can here. If you use the coupon BLOGREADER you can save $3.00.


  1. Hmmm....for those of us with the 1st edition, can you tell what those controversial sections are?

  2. There were a couple of sections in Matt's portion where it sounded like he was advocating "giving a kid back." I'm sure you know that isn't my philosophy so we wanted to clear it up.... did you notice it?

  3. I wish I could infuse with half the energy my girls have, I'm still trying to glom onto a fraction of it!
