Friday, November 25, 2011

A Good Thanksgiving that Hasn't Started Yet

Yesterday, all in all, was a pretty good day. All but two of the kids who live at home were very helpful for a few hours in the morning, getting the house ready for company. Kyle (our oldest --25) and his wonderful wife Christy arrived about 3. We hung out and talked a while, played a game, and then had an amazing lasagna Bart made. After supper we watched a movie together and then a second movie for those that were interested while the rest of us visited. Salinda and Gabby showed up around 8 and we had fun catching. Bart and I tried to go to bed about 11 but the kids were having a great time together interacting and playing with Gabby who certainly was wide awake. We didn't go to sleep right away but I figured letting them all stay up one night of the year wouldn't kill me.

Rand was at work by 5 this morning, Sadie went in at 7, and Leon goes in by 12, meaning that even if John and Mike show up today, we won't get a full family picture. :-( Not sure what it will take to actually get all 12 of my kids in the same place at the same time. Hasn't happened for years.

Jimmy is the only one up right now and he is being very helpful. He is a good hard worker, earning him accolades at work and a lot of positive affirmation at home.

I certainly needed more sleep than I got, but I think today may just be a good day. It's my plan to take several pictures to share with you at least!

Oh ... one more thing. For those of you who HATE shopping -- here's a Black Friday special that you don't even have to stand up to participate in. Save $5.00 on any order from our online store today -- order any of our books or a combination thereof and save big! Coupon: BLACKFRIDAY :-) Our online store is here.

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