Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just in case you were wondering...

Remember the 16 year old back in September.... the one that we submitted our names for?

We heard back today that they have chosen another family.

We wish him the best and are realizing this is probably for the best.

But for those of you who were wondering whatever happened with all that -- that's what happened with all that.



  1. We found out this week that the little boy we asked about during the first week in August was placed in another family too! I don't understand why it takes so long when there are families waiting.

  2. I am sorry. Whether it's better or not, it's still a painful loss.

    With two very angry boys in my home, I made the very hard decision to close my home for a year or two. My worker thought that with all of the documentation of their behaviors, I would not be able to renew my foster care license anyway...
