Saturday, November 19, 2011

So where are you going today?

St. Cloud, That's where. Very cool event by an organization called Hope Blooms that will reconnect me with an old college friend who is now a state senator. I will do the keynote and hopefully sell a few books. Details can be found that the link.

After today I have a week with no speaking engagements or trainings! Of course we do have Thanksgiving, Kyle and Christy spending it with us, and hopefully the others who don't live here will join us as well. Salinda has indeed applied for college, but is not necessarily planning to live with us. Mike texted Bart last night -- he has a job as an apprentice at a Tattoo place, something we have encouraged him to do for years. He says he even bought some furniture. He seems to be doing quite well and at one point was thinking of going to school to get a degree in business. I am very proud of him, but I know that simply telling him that will bring back some nasty response, so I may keep my pride to myself. We aren't really sure where John is -- not sure if he still has his job. He and Courtney currently aren't together and he hasn't contacted us since he spent part of last weekend in detox after Bart took him to get his paycheck and he spent the whole trip talking about how he wasn't drinking anymore. Yup, welcome to my world.

Jimmy has paid back all of his debts and has cash in the bank, something he is thrilled about. He is going with me today to help me sell books and carry things. It's something he enjoys and he is quite appropriate and people like meeting him.

The others seem to be doing well this weekend. Bart and I had a big date last night with Tim and Sue -- dinner at a nice restaurant and then a play at the State University. The kids were at a lockin at church and it all worked out very well.

I had a burst of energy last night before we left and got a lot done


Once again I got distracted and forgot to hit "publish post."

Ended up spending the entire day NOT getting to the event. It was decided to postpone my portion as the roads were horrible so I spent 6 hours getting nowhere but back home.


1 comment:

  1. I just got home from the twin cities and it took me twice as long as usual. Winter driving stinks.
