Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tonight's Radio Show

Wendy’s Wonderful Kid's New Research Study
conducted by Child Trends.

Rita Soronen,
Executive Director

Since 2005, the Wendy’s Wonderful Kids program has grown from seven pilot site grants to 122 active sites across the U.S., the District of Columbia and five provinces in Canada dedicated to evidence-based strategies that aggressively and effectively move children from foster care to permanent families. More than 3,400 children have been adopted or placed in pre-adoptive homes as a direct result of Wendy’s Wonderful Kids.

Claudia Fletcher
Claudia Fletcher and her husband are the adoptive parents of 12 children, 10 adopted from the U.S. foster care system and two from a Guatemalan orphanage. She is a Family Life Advocate for Downey Side Families for Youth and an Adoption Specialist for the Adopt America Network. Claudia is a former college administrator who has a B.A. in Behavioral Science and an M. Ed in Guidance and Counseling. She has spoken nationally about adoption issues and has had many articles published relating to permanency for children and supporting adoptive parents.

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The Adopted Teen's Prayer: "May you Love me the most ... When I deserve it the least …Because that's when I need it the most.

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