Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I Have a Question for You -- Two Actaully

The past month or so I have felt more overwhelmed than I have in years. I feel sometimes like I am in the bottom of a big pit and that the journey up would be so hard that I shouldn't even attempt it. However, I know that that is "stinkin thinkin" and that I have to find a way to start climbing out of a hole that is, in part, of my own making.

So I had this idea of starting another blog -- maybe just for thirty or forty five days -- where each day I would think of a small thing that I could do to improve my life, building from day to day with more difficult tasks. I was thinking that it would be helpful to anyone who is trying to climb out of anything difficult -- illness, grief, addiction, a painful end to a relationship -- anyone who is trying to stop themselves from falling so deep into their hole of depression and anxiety that they wouldn't be able to get out.

Each day there would be an assignment that would not last more than 5 minutes and would be easy to do from the blog.

So, my two questions: 1) DO you think this would be helpful for you or someone you know; and 2) When do you think I should start? I was thinking that everyone would expect it to begin in January, but maybe a few things in December might get people ready to enjoy the holidays more or to tackle bigger things in January.

Am I explaining this well? (oh wait, that's a third question. Sorry. ;-)


  1. I'm not currently in that hole, or maybe I've just gotten so used to it that it is my castle hole? When I feel like "what's the point anymore?" I make myself think of the positive people in my life that are counting on me, my husband, my parents are my two biggest reasons for getting up, and getting on with it. I think you have a good idea, all of us would benefit from plugging into something positive, especially during the holiday season. I'm starting a second Tuesday late start meet and greet at Dunn Bro's, whether anyone else comes or not...

  2. 1) Yes!
    2) Start writing your ideas NOW but wait till after the Holidays to post them

  3. I'm interested but so overwhelmed that it seems a bit scary to me.

  4. I'd love a step by step guide to how on earth do I get out of this rut of shame and bitterness :P

  5. Claudia, I think you have enough to do without thinking of more to do. Your blog is enough of an encouragement, since you always drag yourself up every morning and hit it, even when you don't feel like it. Maybe you should be trying to do less, and not more. I know that's what I am thinking I need to do....

  6. I have read you for a while, and am on the overwhelmed train... finding a hard time being positive much less in the Christmas sprit.I would love to be able to have something positive to look forward to.
