Saturday, December 03, 2011

People are Starting to Text....

So yes, I am fine. Let me tell you about my last two days:

I left Thursday morning at 7 to drive 5.5 hours to Detroit Lakes for the finalization of a couple of boys who a family on my caseload adopted. It was a very great day -- lunch together first, and then court with plenty of celebration. It was kind of fun driving up there because I was remembering so many people in my life as I drove through various towns and thought of people that I had known in other places in Minnesota.

I had to teach the Adoption Competency class on Friday all day, so I decided to stay in the Twin Cities over night. It took about 4 hours for me to get back to the Cities after court, getting me to the hotel around 7:30. I was so tired by then that I didn't have the energy to blog. Went to bed by 9 and then was up to drive a full hour to get the 17 miles to teach class.

After class I drove 2 hours home where I had exactly ten minutes to change before I went to speak at the Women's Christmas Banquet at NCWOC, a church in town. Kari went with me and so did both of my daughters. It was a great night -- until I found out that while we were eating, Salinda's bf had come and told Bart he had her permission to take Gabby, which wasn't true. It made me really sad to think that she can't even leave for a couple hours to do something positive without worrying that Gabby will be missing until she gets back.

So I made a couple phone calls about that around 10 and then went to sleep and slept a very long time but woke up still quite tired.

One of the things that I decided during my travels is that I am going to have to cut some things out of my life. I am way to tired and have no time for the things that I enjoy, which includes my kids and grandkids.

I know most of you are not in disagreement -- I really want to go back to bed right now but I have some projects that I really feel I must finish before I leave again tomorrow for a couple of days...

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