Saturday, December 17, 2011

Perpetual Disappointments

Really busy times are over and things might just settle down -- except...

:-) Always an exception. Still a couple meetings this week but fortunately they are not more than 40 miles away from home and shouldn't last more than a couple hours a piece.

Today is a lazy day around here -- Bart and I are each doing things we love to do. He is in and out of the kitchen cooking and cleaning and I'm in my office working on creative photo things for Christmas gifts.

I have decided though that one of the things that my life is characterized by is perpetual disappointment. Little things -- times I've been lied to, mistreated, things happening behind my back. one after another I find out about them.... and it is draining.

yesterday I co-taught a class on neurobiology. It made me realize several things about my kids and ways that I haven't done what I should have done with them. It was both encouraging and discouraging -- encouraging to know that there are things that work better than others -- discouraging to know that I haven't done them. But maybe some of them can still be done.

So today I'm in photo land... I ahve 35,000 photos on my computer which never seem to get organized so sometimes my photo projects make me annoy myself.

In case you haven't heard, the "Baby Steps out" blog has started -- you can begin any time in climbing out of any hold of bitterness, resentment, illness, frustration or depression you might be in. Or, if you just want to do it for fun you're welcome to. It can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to know both the things you didn't do and the things you can still do!
