Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some Anxiety Relief

SO, an update on yesterdays requests for prayer:

1) We wrote a letter trying to bring resolution. Having the letter written makes me feel a bit better, though the whole situation is troubling. Bart and I really are good people, and to be accused of being something less than that is very difficult for both of us.

2) We decided to wait until Spring to change rooms. Several decisions will have been made by then that might affect that and we agreed that we didn't need the stress.

3) Still can't talk about it and nothing has changed ;-)

My fourth day back at the Y with Kari. Part of my workout is painful and will be until I get some of this weight off, but I'm determined to keep going. My heart issue makes working out so much more difficult, but the doctor says I shouldn't stop. I have an appointment with a cardiologist on Tuesday.

I'm looking at my desk and sighing. So much to do. Nice thing is the kids are having are having a good break with very few behaviors....

One of my goals today is to post Gabby 2nd day birthday pics. She turns two today but we celebrated a couple days ago.

Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Claudia,
    Just wanted you to know I am praying for you. We have "stuff" going on right now that is very hard. It's hard not to let the worry take over. Through prayer we are making it day by day. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers today.
