Sunday, January 22, 2012


Over the last 3 days I have prepared 37 emails that I have sent out to a long list of families who are wanting to adopt.

It just so happens that these 37 emails are all boys. In fact, they are all boys ages 12-17.

I will be surprised if I get one response because that isn't who everyone wants to adopt.

Whenever I do this it makes me sad. So many of these guys won't find a home and will age out.

But I'm running out of ideas on how to convince people that they should do this.... even though I still think they should...


  1. Well, we're not adopting any more, but omg, I would SOOOOO take a 12-17 boy over a 12-17 girl!

    the drama, the drama... in adopting a teen (or pre-teen) girl.

  2. If one of them is a 15 y/o boy named Jackie, I would take him. But alas, I can't afford the homestudy right now. Why do they have to be so expensive. (rhetorical question, no need to answer,lol)

  3. Anna.... (not sure why his name needs to be Jackie but I could probably find one with that name)...

    anyway, Adopt America has scholarships for people willing to adopt teens to help with the homestudy, so I ahd to tell you taht...
