Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Slow, Slow, Slow

I'm finding myself having to take things slower and deliberately think about things that used to be kind of on auto-pilot. My brain has always allowed me to multitask quite a bit and I have never had too much trouble keeping lots going at a time. But lately, i have to make myself think about every step or I make very careless errors. It's annoying.

No word from Ricardo or the family he "moved in with." I really don't understand that kind of mentality -- people who want to have an extra mouth to feed without hearing the whole story. When Ivan lived with us we had more than one conversation with his mom about it to make sure it was helpful to her and what she wanted. Ricardo is there to avoid the discipline, rules, and expectations of our family and the consequences of his previous actions. He skipped a class yesterday ... something he has done here, but not without consequence.

Funny thing is, I miss the kid. Other kids who have stormed out of here have left after being so awful for so long, that when they finally were gone it was a huge relief. Ricardo isn't like that. He's pretty compliant and good to have around. I worry about him too, because he is really naive!

Mike started school yesterday without needing help from me. Courtney did as well. Salinda and Gabby went to spend some time with Henry. Often they don't return, but hopefully they will.

See why I have to take things slowly? Otherwise I can't keep up with the ever changing drama. I had been to see our therapist Thursday with Sadie and yesterday I went with Leon and Wilson. I gave her hte family update and she said, "That all happened since Thursday????"

1 comment:

  1. Irish curse:
    May you live in interesting times.

    Sounds like you are! We are too - and I could sure go for a little boredom, relaxation, slower pace... time to focus on, oh, maybe one or two crises instead of 3-4 at a time!
