Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Spiritual Warfare

It has crossed my mind a few times -- though I'm sure it's not very "United Methodist" of me -- that possibly, as a commenter shared, we might be facing some kind of spiritual warfare situation in our family. The past several months have seemed kind of tough.

Interestingly enough, though, the events that have transpired have not been nearly as stressful as some other periods of our lives. However, I'm finding that with my health issues, I have less ability to deal with them.

Yesterday, I rescheduled an appointment and just went back to bed. I still put in over 8 hours of work, but in the morning I slept a while because I was feeling so exhausted.

So maybe the combination leads us to be tempted to give the enemy the upper hand, but so far we are still hanging in there. And it could be that I'm not sharing everything positive because I'm so wrapped up in the negative. So let me try to be positive in the 5 minutes I have remaining:

Bart's health had a big turnaround the past 2 months when he was prescribed a new medication that is making him feel so much better. In fact, he says he hasn't felt this good physically in years. It's great to see him so energetic!

My BFF (doesn't stand for what you think it does) let me borrow her husband again (doesn't stand for what you think it does) and he finished tiling our laundry room floor and walls. It looks awesome!

Mike, Courtney and Salinda are all in college -- at least they were the last time I checked. This is a huge accomplishment for each of them.

I have been able to throw away a LOT of paper (to make room for more paper). That feels good.

My hours being cut is giving me more time to recover and relax. Still working 40+ but it beats 60+.

So maybe my life isn't what's so negative -- but simply my view of it.

I need to get myself in gear!

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