Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Alone on VD in BG

It's Valentine's Day. I'm alone in Bowling Green, Ohio. It is as exciting as it sounds. Good day of planning. Tired tonight. Sleep will feel good.


and that is as far as I got and forgot to hit send last night. Pathetic huh?

Today we have another day of strategic planning. Anyone who adopted from foster care have any opinions they'd like to leave as comments about the matching process to give us some ideas. What was hardest about it? What kind of help would have been helpful?

I figured you'd want to see this picture Sadie took of Gabby this weekend. I know everyone who has grandkids thinks they are the cutest, but look at her.

Just sayin.


  1. If you're still in BG tomorrow night and are bored, wander over to the city park. There's an SCA meeting/fight practice.

    Also, you have an adorable grandbaby.

    And the hardest part about trying to adopt from the foster care system so far has been the lack of responses to mine and my social worker's queries!

  2. Matching process? What matching process? We picked our kids out from a photolisting on the internet.
