Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Least Favorite Hour of the Week

Sunday mornings before church aren't fun. School mornings aren't that fun either, but there is an additional layer of consequence on school mornings. If they don't get up on time and get left, they have to walk. And even though most of them are old enough that they have friends now who will pick them up in case of this kind of "emergency," they still have a hassle... and there are consequences at school for skipping class.

On Sunday mornings the only consequence is that if I can't find a way to get them up, they tell me they just won't go. And while very few times in our lives has this been an issue because they usually do get up, it's a fairly stressful hour or so.

I'm not opening up a discussion here about whether or not we should "force" our children to go to church. It's a part of our family culture, it's who they are. Once they move out they are on their own to make choices about this, but as long as they are here it's expected.

Some families have expectations that siblings attend the sporting events of their brother or sister to cheer him/her on. It's not something that is optional if you have the evening or day free -- it's just what they do as a family. I view church as the same way here.

We would be this way whether or not Bart were a pastor.... it's just who we are.

Fortunately, my least favorite hour of the week is followed by some of the best hours of my week so I usually can get the icky out of my system fairly quickly when I am surrounded by people I enjoy and get to worship a very good and gracious God...

On a side note, if you are a Christian who lives in MN and is passionate about foster care or adoption of any kind you may want to email me. One of the things I"m hoping to do is to start plugging into the beginnings of the "Orphan Care and Adoption Movement" in Minnesota. email is maeflye at mac dot com.

My day yesterday introduced me or reaquainted me with a few people who are working towards this end and I'd like to get involved in ways that I can. One way is by finding out who those people are that I am connected with to help plug them in as well.

Everyone has been awakened. I only here that a couple of them are up. I may have to do a second round. I hate having to do a second round.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    This is an exciting time to be involved in this movement! :) God is really prompting the hearts of His people to do something about orphan care! If you are interested in a very successful Christian ministry that has really affected the state of Colorado for good, Project 1.27 has been a great asset to our work in Kansas. We're launching Project Belong statewide this year. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know! :)

  2. Is it necessary to be Christian in order to adopt or to foster a child? What if one is Jewish, or Muslim, or Hindu or nothing in particular? Would they be denied a chance to adopt in favor of a Christian?
    It seems like certain Christian denominations really focus on adoption, especially adopting large numbers of children. I have nothing against this practice, it's just not something that my particular brand of religion endorses.

  3. Yes, people of all faiths can adopt. I have helped people of different faiths as well as "no faith" adopt as an adoption worker.

    However, the Orphan Care and Adoption movement in the church is tying two things together that I am passionate about so I guess I can't help but blog about it.

    And yes, Missy.... exciting times!

  4. I'm working on putting together a neighborhood awareness program and hoping that by sharing the struggles of both child and parents we can create a more understanding community to help support the entire family. Want people to really understand that these children did not choose this life and the parents that step forward are not going to be able to do all alone. Our society is so quick to pass judgement without fully appreciating all the complexities that accompany orphan care and adoption..
