Saturday, March 03, 2012

Dawn til Dusk

Yesterday was a great day. I had the privilege of training 11 people who are hoping to adopt a waiting child from Minnesota. It was a great group and lucky me --- I get to do it again today. It was a very diverse and engaged group and I really enjoyed the eight hours. I am hoping that most of them will decide to adopt and that most of them will decide to have me as their social worker. I already know a couple of the couples have chosen an agency, but I have been known to have couples switch.

I had decided that since I have been so exhausted lately that I would get a hotel room and spend the night, saving myself a couple hours on the road and allowing myself to get some rest. After speaking to the two classes on Thursday at the high school, which went well by the way, and doing 8 hours yesterday, i was tired.

So I grabbed supper and went to the hotel. When I got there, I noticed signs on six or seven of the doors around me that said, "Go Mary, Go Sherri, Go Kari, (or whatever, you get the idea) and realized that I Might not have a restful night at all. An hour later the girls came to the hotel with their families and made so much noise gathering nad planning for dinner that I figured I was in trouble.

Since I felt quite sleepy, I decided to take a nap and when they got back and woke me up I would get up and work or read for a while.

Except they didn't wake me up when they got back. So I ended up sleeping almost 12 hours! I did get awakened at 3:40 when someone's car alarm went off, but otherwise I was asleep the whole time. I guess I was tired!

I feel pretty good this morning though. Look out trainees! Fortunately for them they have several guests speakers today so it won't be all day Claudia like yesterday. I couldn't even get movies to work!

Had a wild dream last night that the woman above and Bart had used the money I make to buy a house together as they had fallen in love. They explained that they were both perfectly fine with Bart staying married to me -- that he had no plans of divorce.

The whole dream involved me being furious because they acted so nonchalant about the whole thing, as if they had chosen to have lunch or something instead of buy a house and move in together. I got more and more agitated as the dream went on and ended up waking up before anything was involved.

It's very alarming to see an actress looking up at your husband lovingly while he pecks her lips and whispers too her.

So out of character for him too. i wonder what is brewing in my psychy!


  1. I am preparing my family to adopt again. I am considering an out of state placement, as well as a local one. If I go through an agency like AAN, how much longer/more complicated is the process than a local adoption from foster care?


  2. Hi, Jen: Sorry for taking so long to respond to you -- I saw your first comment but was waiting to publish it until I had time to respond!

    Adopt America can only work with families who are have a completed homestudy through their own state. Once that is done families can register with us to help us have them matched.

    The key issue is making sure that the agency you choose is willing to facilitate an out of state adoption.

  3. Great information. I have a completed home study. I let my foster/adopt license expire in December. I would first need to get those renewed with my local agency. Then do I work with AAN only, or does my local ageny's family specialist act as a middleman?

  4. Oops ... I've been thinking about contacting you for a few weeks, but I did not realize I actually commented twice. Sorry! Perpetual mommy-brain.

  5. Actually, your local agency is still very involved and asks as your worker. Adopt America just helps to facilitate the match piece by being kind of a middle man.

    Once your home study is renewed, you can start the registration process on our website.
