Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From a Dark Hotel Room in the Northeast Metro...

A very cute 13 year old is sleeping at my feet wrapped in a comforter bigger than he is. A quite large almost sixteen year old is snoring loudly in the bed in front of me, and a quite handsome, I must say, adult male is in the shower. Mmmmm...

Last night Bart had a meeting here last night and we both have meetings today so we left at noon drove a while, stopped for lunch and then drove up to the hotel. The boys swam while we took "nanna naps" as they call them in Australia. Bart went to his meeting and we ordered Davanni's pizza (yum) and the boys watched TV or and further explored the hotel fitness center, vending machines (Dominyk, the pop god), etc. They got me hooked on an episode of my 600 pound life which really didn't mix well with Davannis, especially during the skin removal surgeries. Just sayin. It's pretty weird to see someone who has lost 300 pounds and still weighs more than me.

Today the boys and I are going to do a little shopping and then they may see a movie while i am at an interview with one of my families. I think it's a perfect match. So does the family. Hopefully the workers with the power will think so too.

Then tonight we get to have dinner with Kyle and Christy. Kyle is our one son who is successful by anybody's standards. He's 25 year old and we adopted him at 11. He's college educated, a sixth grade teacher, and married to a girl we love. The picture above is from their recent trip to Mexico over spring break, which I downloaded without permission from her Facebook. :-)

Should be a good day. Everyone at home seems to be fine.

Lots of things buzzing in my head about things.... it's so good to have enough energy again to think about the future and want to live it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice blog. It's great to have stories like this that can encourage foster parents who are or will deal with similar issues. My wife and I are in the process of adopting 6 children from foster care. We have 2 sets of siblings all under the age of 7. Fun times at our home on a daily basis! :)

    We have also created a foster care website as a support for parents who are in the same fostering boat. All the best to your family. We will follow the blog...

    Carlo & Heidi
