Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not much new, but one thing is...

I woke up at 5:30 this morning, mind buzzing, and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and headed to the shower, plotting my morning routine. I went through in my head where everyone was until I realized that there is no school today because it is spring break. I could have slept until 8 (have doctor's appointment at 8:45). But now I'm up, have showered and am getting things done. I need to pack as after the appointment I'm heading to my office and then back to the Cities again as I have a full day of training tomorrow.

For a while I've been thinking of starting a Christian adoption Facebook group for people in Minnesota, but I found out that Hope Blooms already has one so I've joined that and am lucky enough to have been made an administrator so that I can add those who are interested. Let me know if you are by sending an email or commenting here and I will add you to the group (assuming you give me enough info to let me know who you are. Sometimes it's tough on blogger to know someone's name if their Blogger ID is ILOVEBEINGANADOPTIVEPARENT or some such thing and the profile page is blank.

But for now the one person who has to get up for work this morning won't answer his phone so I'm going to have to go wake him up.....

Let me know if you want to be part of it!

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