Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Trying the Sick Day Thing

Normal people have sick days right? So i thought I'd try and take one. On top of the layers of fatigue I have a bad head cold and cough that sounds like it could be heading to bronchitis. I'm just so exhausted....

so I am taking the day off ... with the exception of several things that can't wait. I'm tending to those. I've cancelled a trip I was planning to take tomorrow...

Thanks to all of you who have left comments and sent emails. you're giving me hope that the shock treatment next week might do the trick and I might start to feel better.

That would be SO nice.

For now I'm going to try and relax... sleeping isn't possible because the noises I make when I am trying to breathe are keeping me awake... But I'm at least attempting to relax...

A couple pieces of Fletcher news:

Ricardo stopped by to get his SS card the other night. Appropriately hugged me. I told him I missed him. He said he missed me too. I left it at that. I explained why I was keeping the card and only giving him a copy and he left. I said, 'love you' He said, "you too mom." End of visit.

John had his hearing early yesterday. Apparently he trial isn't until August first. He's trying to find a friend willing to loan him bail money, but the bail is set at $75,000. not sure what the bond will be.... but it's more than we can afford.

Back to attempting to take a sick day....

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