Thursday, April 05, 2012

Job Corp...

Tony had an orientation at Job Corp today. it sounds like it might be a good option for him. We still have to schedule an interview and he has to make a decision... so that is yet to come.

Wondering if anyone else has had positive or negative experiences with kids in Job Corp???


  1. We just went to an orientation on Tuesday. Not sure if it will work for us - but I have a nephew who did it and LOVED every minute of it. I'm hoping it might be how our #1 son can finish high school.

  2. I have a good friend who has adopted 10 children out of foster care. She has a variety of interesting issues at her house. I think her oldest one is 19 (maybe 20) now, but he went into Job Corps about a year ago and it's been great for him.

    I do have to say that just before he went in, he decided that he didn't need to follow any house rules anymore since he was 18. He wanted to go live with a friend. He was shocked when mom and dad helped him pack up and offered to drive him over there. Turned out that the friend (really friend's parents) were not going to let him stay there so he lived in the neighborhood park for 10 days or so while his sibs smuggled peanut butter and bread to him. He got the Job Corps gig the same day as he fessed-up to mom and dad so he was back home following rules for a week or so before he started. Possibly the fresh memory of sleeping in the park without dinner was incentive for him to stick it out and follow the Job Corps rules.

  3. Jenni Beaver's boy went to job corps.

    Amy Hutton

  4. Please share whatever you learn about Job Corp. We were thinking this might be a viable option for our child at some point, but were having trouble finding information.

  5. Friends (adoptive family of older daughter) turned to this as a last resort option. Daughter was not motivated to work, finish high school, or help around house. She entered the program, but the course of study she wanted was not available, and she floundered around in a few options. She did get her license, and GED. She got in with less than desirable friends, was easily influenced and although she finished the program with a career field, she has not been motivated to find work. She returned to birth family, and is currently unemployed, and couch surfing with her baby. It was either Job Corps, or they would be babysitting her for the duration until she finally, if ever, got her life in order, or got in with a different baby daddy. So, personally, I think it was a good choice, it was time for her to take charge of her life, and her life played out pretty much as she wanted it to. Totally oblivious, despite years of good foundational teaching by her adoptive family, and on a path to destruction. With a baby.

  6. My younger brother, adopted at birth, with FASD, spent some time at Job Corp. I think its a great program. Unfortunately he couldn't keep his attitude in check and after several warnings eventually got himself kicked out. They keep a tight rein on the kids, which is good for kids like him. I think he did learn a few construction skills and was able to pass the test to get his drivers permit, plus it gave my parents a break from him which I know was nice for them. I would highly recommend it, just don't expect a miracle.

  7. We checked into Job Corps for our almost 18 yo son about a year or two ago. The clincher for us was that we were told they would be interviewing the applicants individually (understandable) and would be making their decision about if they would be accepted to the program or not based on a few key things since the wait list was so long. One of those things was whether the applicant even wanted to be there (also understandable). Also, if they wanted to leave at any time, they could. We felt that 1) my son is so uncooperative that he might say he wanted to go at the beginning of the interview, but would probably change his mind (and tell them that) before he even left the interview. 2) We were told that the negative influences inside Job Corps were huge. I could just see my son picking up alot of really crappy behaviors (in addition to the ones he already has) and then demanding to come home and bringing those new things back to the younger kids in our home. He has done it before in less intense programs. So, we pretty much dismissed it as an option. I think if they do everything they say they do, it's a great program.

  8. I just wanted to let you know that we have used Job Corp and can't say enough good about it. Our daughter has always been shy, and very slow in her school. she has had trouble making friends. So we checked into job corp for her. She went for almost 2 years. They were so wonderful there, she made friends, the staff were very protective of her. She gained her GED and high school diploma,she was able to get her drivers license. She completed several programs to get certificates. She gained confidence in who she was and what she believed. 'They helped get her to church by her request. There were some tough girls there but in the end she found they respected her and liked her. Now she is home, she is working as a CNA, just bought her first car, completed EMT school and is thinking about going to nursing school. She did a complete 180 from what she was in highschool. We are definately going to send out 18 year old to it. It is a great way to help them mature and grow up but yet there are restrictions and structure to help them so they don't go haywire.

    God bless

  9. From the community policing/civilian/adoptive mommy to a passell of FASDers I have investigated Job corps as part of my volunteer police work and liked what I's on my list of opportunities for our kiddos for sure!
