Friday, April 27, 2012


The last 24 hours have not been all that wonderful, even though I slept for about 17 of them.

I worked hard all morning (except for a quick doctors apopintment) trying to figure out the housing thing.... and then had lunch out with my husband to discuss the various options I could find. Everything was going quite well -- I had plenty of energy and the doctor said that my heart rate was at a steady 68 which is a first in months. So I was feeling great....

But about 30 minutes after lunch I suddenly became attacked violently by a stomach crisis -- must have been food poisoning -- because I haven't felt that sick in years. The stomach pain was intense and I won't go into details about all the other things I was forced to do over the next eight hours. Fortunately I slept through most of it, between trips to the bathroom, but it was awful. It completely took me out of commission. I couldn't even sit up for about 8 hours.

So this morning I'm feeling a bit better. Had some toast this morning and so far no repercussions but there is a bit of pain. We're supposed to have mexican food for lunch -- I may not eat much.

And we have made no progress on the whole housing issue other than to find out that financing is going to be really tricky if we can't sell this house soon....

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