Monday, April 09, 2012

Wanna be part of a miracle?

It's 3 p.m. and I am going to have to work for the rest of the night just to get caught up on things. Bart is out of town so I might as well work, but the morning was spent on move stuff. The house situation is overwhelming.

We are literally praying for a miracle. The stress of trying to come out of this without a huge loss is weighing heavily on Bart and he is literally sick to his stomach over it. I told him to give me a week to worry about it while he is away at his spiritual formation academy.

So I'm asking those of you who believe in the power of prayer to pray pray pray that we can find a buyer for our house that would be willing to meet us half way in order to get a really good deal. Our house is the only one we could find for under $200K six years ago that we could all fit in. It has tons of square feet -- I'm thinking over 3K. We haven't done much upkeep as far as paint and flooring, but it's got great solid construction and it's in a wonderful neighborhood.

If you don't believe in prayer than get the word out for us! Larger families especially would really find the place ideal. Right now we have it configured to be an 8 bedroom home with 6 of those bedrooms being up to foster care standards. Then there is also an office. Electrical stuff was replaced six years ago, we have brand new flooring in the kitchen, dining room, and huge living room, and we had our beloved friend Mike completely redo the downstairs bathroom and laundry area. (the outside has been touched up with paint as well where it was flaking in this picture a couple years ago).

I would love to be able to tell Bart that we had some good leads. Gotta get the pastor to have a bit more faith that God is EVEN bigger than the current real estate crisis.

Thanks for helping us find the right buyers for this house quickly. I am anticipating a miracle. Wouldn't you like to be a part of it?


  1. I was going to share this--I have friends in MN who can share it too, but I can't remember what city you live in. Can you share that?

  2. Praying for that perfect buyer!!!

  3. Praying for your miracle!

  4. YOu need to post some pictures! :) Or a link to where we can look at them. Post on the adoption group if you don't want to do it on your blog!

  5. Sending out the good vibes for you guys! I've been through the house thing recently, and it's definitely stressful.

    Biggest thing I can suggest is clear up the clutter. I hated looking at houses that had stuff everywhere. If you can find a cheap storage unit that might be best, but if not, just stack up everything in boxes in the basement. I will keep sending good vibes for you.
