Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Report and the Moving Blues

It was a pretty good day. For the first time in ages I heard no swearing before church and everyone was up and ready to go on time. That was the best gift ever! I sat by some of my kids in church and Leon let me rub his back and put his head on my shoulder briefly, making me very happy to be a mom at that moment!

Afterwards we had lunch at a place that wasn't very crowded and then we came home and I was left along long enough to have an hour nap. We then attempted to make some progress packing -- later Bart and I went out for dinner and Mike and Kari joined us and it was so good to see them again.

I'm doing the emotional equivalent of putting my hand over my ears and singing LA LA LA LA LA whenever I start thinking about leaving all of my friends here. I know we aren't going far, but it's that daily/weekly thing that I"m going to miss. There are so many people in our church who are just amazing and I wish we would have had more time to spend with them.

Speaking of amazing, we had dinner Saturday night with some great friends who have loved us and our kids for a long time. They were in our church in Luverne and each year when the kids were little and wanted 20 presents a piece for Christmas, they let us store things in their house. I then would wrap there, giving me a social experience. I could type for hours about how awesome they are! Their daughter lives here in Mankato, and so last year they moved here. Now we are having to say goodbye to them again. But on Saturday night we went to their house for pizza and their daughter's family came too and it was so fun. Just made me wish we would have made more time together...

They also had these very cool chairs and I am now coveting them...ok, maybe not coveting but hoping that when things all shake down and we buy new furniture for our living room that we can afford one. I'm trying to stop the tears from flowing by imagining myself in our sunny new living room, sitting on one of these nice chairs -- and, I must confess, one of my Mankato friends has come up to visit me to sit in the other chair. ;-)

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