Friday, May 11, 2012


Twas a long, good, bad, hard, easy day.....

Yup, lots of mixed emotions.

When we woke up Dominyk was having quite the meltdown. I was trying to hurry him along and his words were quite unkind. :-) So Bart volunteered to take Tony and Dominyk in the same vehicle, promoting him to a level beyond sainthood. Rand chose to go with them (still a puzzle in my mind) and I ended up with Leon, Wilson and Sadie.

We had a pleasant and relaxing drive up but the realtor's buddy who was meeting us at our new house was 40 minutes late, which upped the anxiety everywhere. By the time we got into the house everyone was pretty edgy. The pictures make it look bigger than it is and the outside is fairly dumpy and then arguments broke out about who was going to be sleeping where, etc.... Stressful and disappointing to me. Leon really doesn't want to move and Sadie is trying to figure out what to do about Job Corp, so she is very on edge.... but we dealt with it.

A tasty pizza buffet for lunch was followed by a tour of the church, which went quite well for me since I just sat in the office talking with the office manager who has now been referred to twice in my blog -- a big shout out to Cheryl!

While we were leaving the church I got a text telling me to have Tony call Job Corp. He has a move in date of May 29th!!! While he is very difficult to parent, he has been living with us the longest -- moving in at 20 months. I have more mixed feelings than I thought I would. This brings me to the point where I have only 13 days to live with him as i'm out of town for 5 later this month. That seems quite weird....

Then we had malts and were off to meet our friends at the Water Park of America. The five kids who swam reported great fun (we got really cheap tickets at Goldstar). We had a nice dinner with our friend Deb while the kids swam, and then we got ready to head home to find that Sadie's iphone had been stolen out of her bag.

To her credit she handled the whole thing very maturely -- maybe more than I would have. But today I'm figuring out what to do with the whole thing. The puzzling piece of it is that the guy who worked at the water park had an Iphone and he he said he used "find my iphone" to track her phone, but an hour later we couldn't. I'm just going to call AT&T and see if she had insurance...

So it was a day. Our kids are all affected by anxiety quite a bit and their special needs multiply when under stress. So managing all that on top of attempting to pack, work, and get ready to leave as well as to go has us in quite the fog....

but I know we'll make it through. We always do...

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