Friday, June 15, 2012

Can't leave you hanging...

So it's morning and I slept well considering. Poor Bart must have gotten food poisoning because he is pretty sick. The house is a disaster, probably less than half unpacen called. ked, and we have kids coming home tomorrow (at least Salinda and Gabby maybe others) and I really needed to get some work done.

I woke up and found that one of the kids had moved my laptop (probably on purpose, and probably Jimmy) so I frantically looked for it. Finally had to wake Dominyk up who found it on a chair across the house from where I had it last and called me a re-re for losing it. I am particularly fond of re-re because it's just so dumb and much better than other things I've be But I digress.

One of the challenges that I've been having with limited internet is that I am so unorganized. When I finally get online it's like this surge of things that I need to do that come pouring into my mind... and then I'm in this frenzy state and don't relax and get organized and the time flies by and then I have to leave and I've gotten so little done.

I am surprised at how much my computer and my world here settle me. Everything in my world is electronic now -- and without internet access I'm frozen. For example, I may decide while I"m at the house that I am going to write a to do list to get more organized. But every 3-5 minutes I'm clicking over to Safari to google something or into my mail program to search it for a phone number or a name of someone.... and it's nuts.

So, my first priority this morning was to let you know that Jimmy did come home -- just in time for supper -- and that he went off to meet someone he met on some online forum. He did it because I specifically told him not to. Fortunately, the girl was harmless and she had brought her brother so she wasn't stupid enough to meet him alone either. The thing with Jimmy is that while is is sweet and has nothing but time on his hands and therefore is a fairly good online stalker boyfriend, most girls after they spend a few hours with him really arenEnno't interested. He is not allowed to have texting or facebook because of the way he has used it in the past. He simply cannot comprehend that if he texts something it can be saved for ever and prosecuters can use it. The things he have said to this point are quite inappropriate but fairly harmless (i.e. I just played tennis. My balls are sweaty. (I know, I know, a great turn on line) but it's the fact that he can't comprehend that his texts are recorded that keeps us trying to keep him safe. Of course, he still finds ways. But I digress. Wow, I'm digressing a lot. See? I told you I was unorganized.

Today Gabby and Salinda are coming -- Sadie reports Salinda is bringing a friend -- she may have wanted to ask first as I'm not even sure where Salinda is going to sleep. But we'll all manage -- we always seem to.

I have so many exciting things to share but they all have to be placed on a back burner for the moment.... I'm starting to schedule some times for breakfast, coffee, and lunch with people who are going to give me ideas about my current latest way in which I intend to live out my passion to keep kids from aging out of foster care.

But first, I need to do things like get a bed long enough for Dominyk and make sure there is a place for people to sleep, and take care of my time sheet so I get paid, and answer a hundred emails....

But this time I was at least organized enough to make blogging a first priority :-)

And in case you were wondering: Caribou Ice Tea tastes nasty. Sigh. Dunn Brothers is about 7 miles. Caribou is one. But I'm not having tea. The Sparkling Juice is good but it has calories. I hate coffee.

See, EVERYTHING is changing. AHHHHHH. I forgot that with moving it's not just a new house!

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