Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day to Him

Wow, what a weekend. We finally got the air fixed by 5:00 p.m. yesterday. I think we set it a bit low though because Wilson was wearing a parka....

Today we went to Park Avenue like we did last August and last Memorial Day Weekend.  We always love going to church there.   

Then Kyle and Christy joined us for a nice long lunch, with Gabby and Salinda and Sadie still with us.  Unpacked a bit during the day and then Salinda and Gabby rode with me to take Sadie back to Job Corps.  Then Bart and I did a bit of shopping for more things for the house and now it's bedtime...

Tomorrow I"m heading back to Mankato IF there is a hospital bed free and they can induce Tessa.  I'm pretty sure there will be some stress involved, but I'm going because I don't want AJ to tell Gabby and Isaac someday that Grandma wasn't at the hospital when he was born....

Hopefully some day soon we are going to get back to a regular routine and I will blog on a regular basis....

Happy Father's Day to the best two dad's in the world.... that the best Father in the world gave to me -- Claude Bangs Flye, turning 90 this year, and Bart Allen Fletcher.

I am so blessed to have had them as part of my life!

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