Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ooops... Sorry....

When I went back to my blog and saw that I had not blogged since Wednesday I was shocked!  Where has the time gone!  My life has been so full and so busy that I haven't taken time to do so.

Thursday I was in or near Owatonna for most of the day at my Downey Side Office and then I headed home for dinner.  Yesterday was packed as well ending with dinner with our friends Deb and Nate and their kids and trying out Spirituality, a coffee house event at our new church.  I personally loved it and our kids did pretty well, but the space was cramped and a bit unorganized.  I don't think they were prepared for the numbers (Nate and Deb and their kids plus their respite boy and Bart and I and our kids, including Sadie coming home for the weekend) added 14 people to the small crowd.   It all went pretty well considering -- ok, except for the part where Jimmy stabbed Dominyk with scissors and he started obsessing about calling the police....

BUT I loved the music and the atmosphere, so I'm planning to attend every one.  If you like praise and worship music and an informal atmosphere and great snacks and treats, you should consider coming  :-)  It's the last Friday night of the month at 7, except for on July 27th.

There is something going on that I can't blog about yet, which I think is the reason that I'm not blogging as much.   I have a hard time keeping things a secret.

When we got here we received a movie gift card from perishioners so we are considering that option -- if Salinda doesn't come over to buy a car, which she is suggesting she will be.

Plus I'm working on a big project for Task Force.... so I must go but I want to leave you with a thought.

A new Jewish friend of mine shared this quote with me from the Talmud which I keep thinking about in regards to the work that I do:

"You are not expected to complete the task of repairing the world ... but neither are you free to desist from trying."

(Rabbi Hillel in the Pirke Avot)

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