Friday, June 08, 2012

Trying not to Rant....

Simple things simply aren't simple in my world. You'd think they would be, but they just aren't.

I have to be careful how and what I blog right now, but let's just say that the process to get Mike a place to live is very stressful....

and let's just say that trying to counsel my grandbabymamas about what they should do about my sons is not an easy task....

and let's just say that sometimes Facebook can quickly show me when I'm being lied to...

and let's just say that desperate people shouldn't be picky...

and let's just say that I really hate it when I have limited time and end up wasting some of it...

and let's just say that there is way too much stress involved in a move for anyone, much less for me when all my kids are everywhere trying to adjust to adulthood...

and let's just say that my phone text messaging section is a depository for the angst of many many folks who have a LOT of angst.

Is that vague enough for you?

This is what I put on my facebook a few minutes ago:

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Especially if you're the horses mother.


  1. I love that! So true, so true!
    I may borrow that saying...

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I love that saying. My horse would just assume die of thirst before he would drink at any well that I suggest.

  3. You're obviously much nicer than I am. I, too, have adult kids who really can't live at home - but at this point (all are >21 and hs grads and capable of working), I figure that their housing (and other) challenges are their problem. I'll give advice, but any more, I'm not investing much time into figuring out ways for them to follow my advice. They've certainly proved themselves capable in some areas, and if they really wanted to follow my advice... they'd figure out how to do it. As it is, they really don't want to follow my advice (they'd still rather attend U of Hard Knocks), so I don't waste my time, I don't get invested, and I don't get offended when they go their own ways.

    I also don't get as many melodramatic text messages, 'cuz they know they're not going to get much of a reaction. ;-)

    I'm with you on learning things via FB.

    I'm also with you on the grandbabymamas... except we have one grandbabymama (who has been replaced in ds's life by current underage gf who thinks he hung the moon in spite of his recurrent lies and other criminal behaviors - oh, and gf's mom also thinks ds hung the moon) and one sil who apparently is having issues with the whole lifetime-commitment thing...

    Good luck on the continuing moving operations. We've moved 8x since 1997... I feel for you.
