Sunday, June 24, 2012

Unusual, I Know...

It's not often any more that I find time to write two blog entries in one day.  But at the moment I've been giving the task of listening for Isaac as he naps.  The house is perfectly quiet right now.  I think everyone is asleep or playing a video game with headphones except for Bart who is snacking.

It's been a great morning.  Our new church is great... people are so welcoming.  We got many gifts and many more warm smiles and handshakes and even a few hugs.  People seem genuinely happy that we are there and all of my kids were perfectly well behaved.    It was a great first Sunday.

I have been thinking more about what I wrote this morning and about passions and how each of us works together with cooperating passions to make things happen.  I'm excited to find my way in doing so.

For those of you who are in Mankato -- don't think for a second that we don't miss you just because we like it here... because it simply isn't true....

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