Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today Jimmy left for Job Corps. 

Jimmy was nervous but excited for something new.  We think he will do well.

Last night Sadie returned ... and she was ready to go back.  She has adjusted and even though there are things that she doesn't like about it, her weeks of helping us convince Tony to go back and helping us get Jimmy ready have talked her into a better place.   She has a goal to finish by her 18th birthday (November 15) which is not completely unreachable, though few have done the program that quickly.  It is much easier for her because she is only 30 minutes away and gets to come home on weekends.  She is planning to get involved at church and even join their praise band.

Tony is hopefully on track to finish.  He keeps talking about quitting ... but he said he wasn't going back and he's back!

So far we have found Job Corps to be very helpful and the staff to be great.  Our kids feel like they are on their own and yet they have plenty of supervision.  AND I'm not the person they are rebelling against.

It feels really weird to only have three kids at home, but I think we might get used to it...

And we are leaving for NACAC tomorrow....

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