Monday, July 30, 2012

Yes, West Virginia, there Is Wi-Fi

It has been a relaxing, fun, enjoyable and different few days without Wi-fi.  I guess it's really only been 2 full days, but it seems like quite a bit more.  

Saturday morning Bart did his Riding the Monsters Down worskhop at NACAC.  If you haven't yet been there to check it out, you should look at the blog he is now doing.  It's been a while since he has blogged consistently, so I'm hoping people will check him out.  He's pretty insightful you know -- even if I am his wife and my opinion is biased, I'm sure others would agree that he's amazing.  You can find the new blog here.

After his presentation I hung around at the hotel and attended another seminar -- and then went to the Awards Luncheon.  Our friend Pat did a great job with the closing keynote and it's always inspiring to hear the stories of those who are making a difference in our country for the sake of children.

We were then off on our vacation - -Bart and the three boys and I.   We had seafood on our way to the house in Bolivar, WV that Matt and his wife are generously letting us stay in.  Matt is the coauthor of my third book, Okay, Which one of You Took My Sanity and he's such great guy!  

The highly esteemed president of Adopt America and her family have joined us for a few days and we've been having a great time.  Saturday night our boys joined forces for some rousing video games and we hung out with their girls.   On Sunday after church, Matt came in from the City to take our boys down to the lake.  Bart and I did a little sight seeing and we came home to find that Wendy and Steve had prepared dinner.  We had a great deal of fun telling stories upstairs while listening to the boys scream at the Wi and each other downstairs.

This morning Matt has returned for more tubing fun for the kids and Bart and I have found the library with free Wi-fi.   We are enjoying ourselves.

Life is going nice and slowly right now and I like that.  Vacations should go by really really slowly....

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