Saturday, August 04, 2012

A Run On Sentence

Being away from consistent Wi-Fi as long as I was made it difficult for me to blog very often -- and even for me to gather my thoughts about what I might want to blog about.  So many ideas and thoughts run through my mind during NACAC and when I have time to think on vacation but they all seem to have fled my mind for now as I am back home with a zillion details running through my head.

Let me just give you a glimpse of what is going through my head at the moment.....

Bart's on his way to Salinda's to get Gabby this morning and Sadie's friend from Job Corps may or may not need a ride back this morning and this afternoon all of the kids are helping Deb with an Adoption Family Olympics event and Courtney and Isaac will be coming at some point and tonight we have the MHBA picnic thingy and Sadie kind of has a date even though it's with a whole family from church....

and tomorrow we have church of course but in the evening we also have our first of many "pastor's home gatherings that used to be called parsonage gatherings until we started pastoring churches that didn't have parsonages and now it's just our house but people come over and we serve yummy desserts and here their story and tell ours....

and I have to get all of the paperwork done for the kids MA in a new County by Tuesday and Leon has his registration for school meeting this week and I need to make a trip down to Owatonna and

wow.  My mind is one continuous run-on sentence.

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