Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Breaking the Record Again

Now it has been eight full days since I blogged. My life is a whirlwind right now. Between church and work (and a bit of time for friends) I've just been so swamped I can barely move. Let me just tell you about the last few days...

Last Wednesday I left for the office at 6:50 (I drop Leon off at school on the way) -- went and worked until 5, had dinner out with some new friends and Bart and then he and I went to pick up Leon. We ended up getting home after 7:30.

Thursday -- again left for the office at 6:50. Worked until 5:15 -- headed straight to bells and then to choir practice, got home at 8:50.

Friday -- tried to sleep in but couldn't. Ended up leaving for work at 7:30. Worked til 10:30 p.m.!!!! We had an open house in Willmar for Bethany there to mingle in a dress for 3 hours. (Yes, I've had to grow up).

Saturday -- didn't go into the office, but spent most of the morning working on budget. Funeral in the afternoon -- again amazed at the way these people love each other - then at night I got to speak at an adoptive mom's retreat. So fun to see Deb, Ginny and Kari all at the same time in the same place. Other people there were those I had known in the past as well. A great time -- my only job was to make people laugh and that I did.

Sunday -- wow! Church, then transporting people to activities -- shopping for more clothes (I have to speak at two Gala events in November) and then hanging out with friends until 4 -- cleaning the house to get ready for people over until they came at 6:30 -- took Sadie back to testify.

Monday -- left for work at 6:50. Worked until 5:45, then came home and actually ate at home with my family! Bart made the most delicious salmon..... mmmmm. Then at night we did paperwork together and I headed to speak at practice for our praise band who is singing at this conference. Please register if you are planning to come. We have worked really hard on the conference this year and registrations aren't coming in so if there is anyway you can come it would be great to see you. Some of you from other parts of the state should carpool together! Maybe we could have dinner after .... hint hint hint. Deb and Kari are both speaking there as is Bart and I think Ginny is coming -- it's going to be so good. You could hear Sadie sing.... really guys, this is going to be good.

Yesterday I left for work at 6:50 -- worked all the way through til 8:45 p.m. as it was my first Board Meeting. Came home and went straight to bed. Leon drove himself this morning because Bart is in Duluth, but my day today looks to be about the same. I have meetings tonight (church related) and a doctors appointment after work so I'll be pulling in about the same time.

Tomorrow -- same routine -- work, dinner with a friend, possibly some bell practice -- choir.... home late. Friday night is our coffee house where Sadie will be singing with Testify -- now THAT is something fun to come to. Praise and worship music -- people come and sing along, or read, or play games, or visit -- very casual and fun.
And Saturday -- lunch with Tim and Sue (YAY) and dinner with Nick and Joy, new friends of ours from church who are quickly becoming old friends -- or feeling like that -- even though we have only known them a few months.

So, since I don't blog from work, that explains some things right?

Here is a pictures that I promised from the carnival (my favorite of the day). The others are refusing to upload at the moment....


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