Sunday, December 16, 2012

Too Many Details

Remember the day when I told you everything, blog world? I just don't have time anymore. Our days are getting fuller and fuller. Why you ask? Well let me try to answer.

We are back to 5 kids at home with both Sadie and Tony completing Job Corps (Sadie in the right way, Tony in almost the right way). They now both have jobs so we are getting them back and forth to work on top of everything else. Crazy days. Sadie is at the Target bakery/deli and Tony at Pizza Hut.

Leon is not going to be able to wrestle this year because of the high school league rules. I don't even want to blog about this because it makes me so angry I could spit nails -- and our appeal was strongly written and very valid. There is no way we would have been working hard to get him on one of the worst wrestling teams ever -- but it was what he was counting on for his emotional and social sanity -- and now he is let down again. Like I said, angry, angry, angry. But we have a friend who is a lawyer who has a lawyer friend who has had 360 cases against the MN high school athletic league and he has lost all 380 cases. I can't tell you how wrong this is on so many levels, but that would take me hours and hours....

John has been back in jail for about a month. Probation violation. Sad. People think he will learn his lesson... but can he?

My husband preached a compelling sermon right before our music ministry program at church did our program. He started by reading the names and ages of the victims in Connecticut one by one. Powerful. He then talked about the shooter and how maybe there could have been an intervention -- asked us what we could do to prevent that in the future by reaching out to those who don't fit in. I keep asking myself why I am constantly thinking about the shooter and his family more than the victim. Maybe because I can see myself in that situation more easily. And that's scary.

Still enjoying our friends, our church, and trying to survive the special needs of the Tony/Dominyk combination in addition to Leon's struggles... but we are hanging in there.

I haven't read a blog for months. Between my job at Bethany and the church, where I seem to be 3-4 nights a week, there isn't much time left.

God's good, though, all the time.....


  1. Praying for your family and wishing you a Merry Christmas and Blessings for the New Year.

  2. I really miss your posts Claudia!

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