Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

I don't have many New Year's Resolutions this year. But I'll tell you a couple.

1) To cancel my fitness center membership that isn't doing me any good (or at least change it to a family membership so that i'm not completely wasting my money).

2) To blog daily.

3) To put my anxiety in the right place.

Things have been pretty mellow at the Fletcher's since we moved. It's been good to have a fresh start in a new place. It was really nice to have some psychic space for those few months when Tony and Sadie were both at Job Corps. It's nice to have so many kids over 18 and not be legally responsible for them. In two and a half months we will have only two children and that feels good.

My new job has me a bit nervous about blogging since I am a "figure head" now, in some ways, so I may have to be a bit more careful about what I write. I know, I know...

So you may be seeing more of me.... I feel really out of touch with all of you in the blogosphere.....


  1. I'm glad you resolve to blog more--I miss seeing your posts regularly!

  2. I am also glad that you will be blogging more! I really look forward to reading them.
