Monday, March 25, 2013

We have two children

As of this last week, we are the parents of two children. We are also parenting 10 adults.... but 3 of our kids have turned 18 in the past 3 months. That means three less subsidies. And they all still live here. Something to think about if you are aquiring multiple children. Three cell phone plans, hundreds of dollars in insurance for multiple vehicles, all those things you never think about when you have a whole bunch of cute little kids... but that wasn't my point.

Just wanted to update you a tad bit as to who is living here. Dominyk, Wilson, and Leon are still here - -as they were this summer, Sadie and Tony are done with Job Corps and are living here, and Salinda and Gabby and Gabby's dad's sister are here. Rumor has it Jimmy might be leaving Job Corps and moving home as well....

Salinda and Sadie each bought new used cars today -- paid cash -- and we are looking forward to spending Easter with as many kids that show up and maybe some friends.

Life is still good....

Loving our church and our friends -- loving my job at Bethany -- challenging and rewarding -- enjoying having Gabby excited to see me when I get home...

It's still challenging (john is out of jail and not able to live here, Mike had a car accident -- but they don't like to be mentioned in the blog).

The new baby to be born in June and Bart and I will be sharing doing day care in their home one day a week starting in September.

I have not read a blog in weeks.... I feel totally out of the loop -- and I seldom even have time for Facebook.... but it's all good.

I miss directly placing kids and I really miss matching and Adopt America... but as I said, I'm loving Bethany.

How is everyone doing out there?


  1. I sure do miss all your posts! Glad you enjoy your job at Bethany. We updated our home study after finalizing our last adoption and actively seeking to adopt again! Of course we will miss your referrals from Adopt America Network. Thanks for your family update.

  2. i left blog world too. but i popped back after clicking on a link from my old blog of pictures of your son going to his prom.... great photos to help my foster kids have no class entry!

    ...and well... noticed you had a spare room. :)
    life sure changes when there is no blog or kids, eh?

    peace claudia. your family is beautiful.
    send your coffee drinking ex-neighbor my greetings too.


  3. Hey, LT....

    No, we don't have a spare room! It's the opposite. Still have a bunch of adult kids living here. Just that all of them but two have turned 18.

    You should email me and let me know how you're doing....


  4. All of our children are legally adults now. The youngest two boys, 18, live at home, as does our daughter and her three kids - 3, 1, newborn. Life is calmer - most of the drama is several states away where two of my boys live - one of whom is always attached to a cloud of drama.

    Sounds great to be able to welcome another grandchild w/o any worries! Congrats to the couple and to the g-parents!

    Miss hearing your stories but glad you're enjoying Bethany so much!
