Friday, October 31, 2014

If you live anywhere near Sioux Falls....

Recently I've accepted a few speaking engagements.... This one day conference will be in Sioux Falls on November 22nd. I will be the MC of the event and will also be doing a breakout session.

I'm most excited though to go and meet George. The video below and him singing the words, "And all of the sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory" brings me to tears almost every time. I'm excited to hear him speak and to meet him.

Would be great to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, dear friend! Kind of lost track of you and miss reading of your family. But very happy to read of all your great busy-ness"...good busy-ness! Some day, I'll try to catch you with a call and talk about how God has challenged and also been there for us during some difficulties. What would I like to see on your blog? Just more of Claudia, her successes and her kids', her humor and infamous sarcasm. Except I also want you to retain your job and emote professionalism. Not sure that can all be on the same blog...I'll have to call for my own private dose.
    Still lovin' ya'!
    Nancy B still down on the farm
