Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas 2015 -- No Room at The Inn -- I mean Restaurant

Happy to announce that it really wasn't Holiday Hell this year. It was a really good Christmas.

We started celebrating at noon on Christmas Eve. Wilson has a Christmas Eve Birthday and Salinda's birthday is on Christmas Day, so we usually celebrate their birthdays at noon. Wilson had requested Fondue, so that's what we had. Very yummy -- a delicious cheese dip with Veggies and bread and then steak and Shrimp. Salinda, John and the kids were fashionably late (an hour?!?) so the meal and gift unwrapping lasted a couple hours. But it was relaxed, fun, and low key.

We headed to the 5:00 service where we lit the advent candle as a family one last time. Mixed emotions, but we got it done. Then we were off to do our traditional Chinese buffet that we have done every Christmas Eve since 1999 when the only place open on Christmas Eve in Luverne was the Chinese place...

Except the one we were going to was closed. So we headed to Old Country Buffet reluctantly to find it was closed. Then we tried Perkins, which was open, but they only had one cook and two servers on duty so they wouldn't serve us and we ended up at the mediocre yet expensive Chinese buffet that many of us hated last year and they let us in.... So we celebrated, open gifts, ate, and by that time it was time for Christmas Eve Service #2.

This morning was very low key. I picked up my mom and we opened gifts after Tony and Taylor (who got engaged last night!!!!) arrived around 11:30. A delicious dinner prepared by Bart at 2 and then we hung out and looked at old pictures this afternoon.

Even though we had one son who hates being named here who skipped church and then slept through Christmas and there is always drama surrounding some grandchildren, it was a great day.

Now two more days of frantic organization and packing and I will be on my way to Virginia.

Merry Christmas to everyone. God is really good to us you know.

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