Saturday, January 16, 2016

Personal Update

Wow.   I went in to see the CEO for the end of my orientation process (2 weeks), and asked him if it were time for my 90 day review.  It feels like I have worked here a long time.

I spent three days in Michigan this week and was happy to see and spend some time with Bethany friends in addition to my day of R3 Coaching.  It was weird to be away from here, though.... it already seems very much like home.

I managed to really screw up the Pod container move -- and so that made Bart's life miserable for a few days.  He ended up having only a couple of days to pack the pod and fortunately several of our kids rallied around to help. But that left me here feeling horrible and not even having time to talk to him so we could make up.  That was not enjoyable and I was kinda of an internal basket case.

But things are better -- we had a chance to catch up last night and the pod is on it's way to wherever to be delivered here on the 25th.  That means Bart might be here last early as Thursday night!!!  John and Jimmy are flying here on Saturday and staying until Tuesday to unload the furniture with us.   Bart reports that they have been incredibly helpful over the past couple weeks.

Dominyk loves it here.  He says he thinks he fits here better than he did in Minnesota and I kind of agree.  It's hard to explain, but in Virginia ... well.... it's too hard to explain.  But it is a good fit.  He loves the culture and the people here have been very very good to him.  Living on campus with me he has been able to get to know some folks and feels very good about being here.  He has big dreams of buying a truck so he is kind of obsessing about that.  Just a little bit.  Like mentioning it only 37-56 times a day.

Bart reports that Wilson feels very very good about moving here as well.  He has such an adventurous spirit and we are happy to create this adventure for him.  He has even used words like "I think God is calling me to move because I feel right about it inside."  He usually doesn't talk that way so it's so cool to see him like that.  I pray that he is going to thrive.

Bart has been able to Skype with his new staff and is excited to find out what ministry looks like here in Virginia.   It will really be great to have this transition over with.

And because of my crazy personality, I'm having the time of my life diving into the issues here and trying to figure out ways to make things better.  I'm loving the people I've met ... and still very excited about working with "scary smart guys" who now, one of them who will remain unnamed, is self-titling them the "three wise men."  My friend Bernie in MN pointed out that they must be scary smart .... they hired me :-).

I miss people in Minnesota.  I miss my team at Bethany a lot.  I miss my church friends.  I miss other adoptive parents I have known through the years.  But there is something about being exactly where God wants you that makes even that pain lessen.

Today it's elementary school basketball, lunch with the teenage boys in their cottage, and dinner out with an amazing couple.  Well, at least she's amazing :-).

But before that, several work projects.... I know, I know, I've given myself permission to be a complete workaholic until Bart gets here.....

And in case you haven't been keeping up, I have been adding entries to my new blog and forgetting to tell you.

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