Friday, April 22, 2016

God is God and I am NOT

This has been a rough couple weeks. I am not at liberty to share a single detail, but I ended yesterday feeling like a crazy person. It's hard to even explain it.

But in the midst of it all, a coworker forwarded me a devotional, and I feel like I should share it with you in case some of you are feeling the way I have been the last couple weeks. If it doesn’t apply, be thankful. If it does, pay attention in join me as we try to follow the encouragement found here by Lisa TerKeurst. After telling about a particularly tough day in her life where she heard the words, “Be Still and Know that I am God” resounding in her head, she says this:

I don’t know what hard reality is crushing your heart right now. But I sense I’m not alone. The enemy is on a full-out attack against everything good, sacred, pure and honest. He is the father of lies who wants us to believe that if our circumstances fall apart, then so will we.

But take it from a woman in the middle of my own hard reality: Satan is a liar. God is a Redeemer. A Healer. The Author of hope. The Pathway of restoration. The great I AM.

Right this very minute there are some things you and I must cling and hold to as if our lives depended on it:

1. God loves us and He will not leave us.
2. This battle isn’t ours. The battle belongs to the Lord. Let Him fight for you. Save your emotional energy and use it to dig into His Word like never before. Our job is to be obedient to God. God’s job is winning this battle.
3. The battle might not be easy or short-lived, but victory will be there for those who trust God.
4. God is good even when the circumstances are darker than you ever imagined. God is good even when people are not. God is good even when things seem stinking hopeless. God is good and can be trusted when you feel suspicious of everyone and everything around you.
5. Lastly, God is good at being God. Don’t try to fix what He hasn’t assigned you to fix. Don’t try to manipulate or control or spend all your emotions trying to figure it out. Let Him be God. Free yourself from this impossible assignment.

Be still. And know. He is God.

This is by far one of the most powerful messages I have personally received from God in a very long time. He is clearly saying to me, “I didn’t bring you here to be Me, simply to obey Me."

If you are in the middle of something that is crazy-making, I hope this has been helpful.

Sometimes we all need to be reminded that God is God and we are NOT.

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