Thursday, May 05, 2016

I Want Lots of Things

Most of us have lots of things we want. Things like:

1) Basic needs met — food, clothing, shelter etc. times a thousand. :-) We want more than just the basics…. we want the means to be able to have good food, nice clothes, a beautiful home, or at least an adequate one, in the right neighborhood, etc. etc. etc.

2) Stable employment in a meaningful job. We want to go to work and feel as though we are valued and making a difference.

3) We want to be as healthy as we can be so that we can live long enough to see how things turn out for our kids, grandkids, etc.

4) We want our kids, parents, grandkids, etc. to be emotionally, physically, and mentally healthy and spiritually sound.

5) We want to have friends and often a church family where we can fit in and grow.

I was listening to the radio yesterday and heard this great song and it reminded me of Matthew 6:33 which I memorized in the King James Version… Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and ALL THESE THINGS will be added unto you.

All these things — all those things listed above — will be added to us when we seek God’s kingdom FIRST. Instead of trying to get all the stuff above, why not just run for His heart?

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