Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Saturday's Summary on this Very Early Tuesday Morning

Wow Blog, have I neglected you!  I'm sure this is the first time in 2017 that I have gone this long without blogging.  I owe you an update!

It was a very packed week at the Fletcher's last week.  Several things happened.

1)  Wilson got his permit!  At 18 1/2 he finally got motivated enough to take the test and he passed on the first try!  We have been going back and forth on this since he was 15.... and he was finally ready.

2)  Wilson interviewed last week and found out at the end of the week that got the job!  Yes, it was a big week for Wilson.  He is going to bus tables at the Olive Garden where Salinda has been working since September.  He starts his orientation today.   That is also huge news.  We have been trying to get him to find a job since he was 16.

3)  We bought a third vehicle.  A spanking new to us 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis that our agency was selling.  It's actually in very good shape and we got it for very cheap.  This will mean that Bart can have his vehicle back.  We are hoping that Salinda will choose to buy it from us at some point, but if not, it is still worth the hassle.... and Salinda's insurance went down.  

4)  We had dinner with Garrett and Kelsey!  Garrett used to be on Bart's staff at our last church before we moved here and they got married last summer.  They were out here for vacation and Wilson and Bart drove up and we all met for dinner.  It was fun to see them again.  Garrett is unique.  I'll just stop with that.

5)  Bart went to the doctor twice and I went with him.  He hurt his neck a couple years ago and his shoulder back in November. He went to the doctor beginning of March for his shoulder and got an injection that immediately stopped the pain.  But being the good follower of directions, he went to physical therapy and ended up coming out of there with extreme pain.  An MRI showed two herniated disks so he will be having neck surgery soon.   See?  I told you it was an eventful week.

6)  I went on a retreat with some of my friends that was perfect.  We had a very relaxed, no pressure schedule, that changed as we went along.  We were at Hat Creek Camp, which is a ministry of PHFS where I work, and it is so lovely there.   I really had a chance to relax, so that was awesome.

7)  Salinda has an interview at the prison where she applied!   She has always wanted to work in the criminal justice field, and Olive Garden has been super depressing.  So please pray for her that this job will work out.  The interview is on April 7.

Meanwhile, at work things are spinning along at a rapid pace.  I'm trying to put the puzzle together of what things should look like here as we shift paradigms and move into the future.   The learning curve is steep .... Virginia does things way differently than Minnesota.  So we are talking about things like the CSA and the CPMT and the CSB and the FAPT.   Yup, learning curve is steep.  But we are making rapid progress.

If you've been following my story, you know that last year was a super rough year for me as I was dealing with a lot of very stressful things and no progress was made on any of the goals that were set for me when I came.  But this year has started off with a LOT of progress and I'm exited.

So excited that I have been waking up pretty early..... thus your Saturday update is being posted at 5:30 a.m. on a Tuesday.

Hope your week is full of good news!

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