Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Something Significant I am Learning to Do

The last few weeks you have seen me posting something on my Facebook on Wednesdays.   I hash tag it #DeepWorkWednesday.

A the beginning of the year I read the Book "Deep Work" by Cal Newport.   I tell about my first experience trying #deepworkWednesday in this post.

The hypothesis of the book Deep Work is “The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy.  As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill and then make it the core of their working life will THRIVE.”

So, since I want to Thrive, I have started practicing "Deep Work" every Wednesday.  For at least 45 minutes.

The definition of "Deep Work" is 
Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to the limit.
We have really gotten away from Deep Work in our society, mainly because we are so addicted to our phones and the internet that "distraction-free concentration" never happens.   We have lost our ability to focus and it's scary.

I am THE WORST offender of this.   I can barely go three minutes without looking at my phone -- making sure there are no notifications or emails. I  admit that some of this is caused by anxiety, but a lot of it is habit.

So taking those 45 minutes a week has been hard for me.  But I'm learning to do it.  And it is my goal to practice more of it as time goes by, scheduling more blocks of time for me to think.

So, want to join me?  Each Wednesday on Facebook I will hashtag it.  I would love to have you experience this and let me know how it goes.

Combining my new bullet journaling habits with #DeepWork Wednesday, I offer you this sheet to use Deep Work time to reflect on your last month.  :-)

Let me know how it goes.

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