Tuesday, June 06, 2017

June is the New January

So.... did you make New Year's Resolutions?  I started 2017 with a bang!  I had a brand new bullet journal and I had all kinds of goals that I wrote down in that journal.  And January was awesome.  I did great.  February I was rocking it.  March was still pretty good.   And then life happened.  Bart had his surgery which pretty much killed the month of April and then the 4th of May I had my steroid shot which did everything except relieve my pain.   So May was a mess.

But you know what?  New things can happen any day of the year.  A new year starts every single day.... it doesn't have to be January 1 for us to start something new.  So I have decided that June is the new January and I dusted off the bullet journal, created some pages from June, and even have worked on the concept of the level 10 life.   Have you seen it?

You give yourself a score and set goals in ten areas:

  1. Family 
  2. Personal Development 
  3. Spirituality 
  4. Finances 
  5. Career 
  6. Social Life 
  7. Fun 
  8. Giving and Contribution
  9. Physical Environment 
  10. Health and fitness 
Bart and I are working on setting three goals for each of these for the summer.  It's fun to be back where I'm not in a slump and planning ahead and setting goals for myself.

June 1 began our new Fiscal Year at work.... and my friend Jeff is here to be our new COO!   So why can't it begin my New Year?  It can.  In fact June 6th can be your New Year's Day because it won't come around for another year.

So if you feel like you're in a slump, declare to day to be day one of the next year.   Happy New Year!

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